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Christopher Bollemeyer


Bemby Noor

Bemby Noor is one of the top caliber songwriters in the country.

The man whose full name is R. Bmbang Permadi has long graced the journey of Indonesian music with a series of hit songs that are popular with the public from "Jodoh Pasti Bertemu" and "Dia Dia Dia" as well as "Wajahmu Mengalihkan Duniaku" popularized by Afgan, "Datang dan Kembali" popularized by Vidi Aldiano, "Diam Diam Suka" popularized by Cherrybelle, "Untuk Apa" popularized by Maudy Ayunda not to mention several songs popularized by Nidji ("Terserah") and GIGI ("Tak Lagi Percaya").

Born into a musical family, Bemby Noor is the son of Nana Noor who was the vocalist of the vocal/music group Noor Bersaudara in the 70s. Beyond that, Bemby is also the nephew of legendary singer Chrisye and legendary songwriter Dodo Zakaria, who created many hit singles for senior singers Vina Panduwinata and Utha Likumahuwa.

Born on November 16, 1982, Bemby also a member of the 3Composer group, which is led by 2 other composer colleagues, Mario Kacang and Tengku Shafick. One of the works created by the three of them is "Salah Benar".
Bemby has won several awards as a songwriter, including Composer of the Year from ShowBiz Indo Awards in 2014 as well as several nominations at AMI Awards and Anugerah Planet Muzik Award in the same year.

His experience as a music composer makes Bemby often invited as a guest lecturer and speaker on many campuses.
Besides being sung by many singers, the works created by Bemby are also often used in the soundtracks of both films, FTV and soap operas that are popular in the country.