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Know your Rights

As a songwriters, you are entitled to these rights and royalties. Find out more.

What rights do you own?

There are many type of rights and royalties that you have as a songwriter

From Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok & Facebook

Mechanical and performance royalties are earned with each stream

Keep 100% of Your Copyrights

Collect your royalties without sacrificing ownership

YouTube Monetization

Don't leave any royalties on the table

Register Unlimited Songs Worldwide

Don't leave any royalties on the table

The royalties you'll earn

Find out type of rights, that you can get from your work
Global Mechanical Royalties
Every stream on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music generates a mechanical royalty
Global Performance Royalties
Every stream on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music generate a performance royalty as does your music being used on TV, radio, satellite radio, in bars, restaurants, concert venues and more.
Global Micro-Sync Royalties
Every video with music created on Tik Tok or uploaded to YouTube generates both a performance and mechanical reproduction royalty
Global Print Royalties
Anywhere your music or lyrics are printed, royalties are generated
Thousands of other global pay sources!

Join now and protect your works

Let us help you manage the copyright of your works, so that you can focus on creating more songs.

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